Returning to China

Awesome Berserker pic has nothing to do with the post. Why is it here? Because I can.

The time has come once again for me to embark upon the arduous journey to China in order to visit my family. I’ll be leaving on Wednesday and will be staying for a month in Shanghai. For added fun, my brother and I will be stopping in Japan for three days. So far, my plan consists of: Akihabara. Sounds pretty solid (HELP ME!!!). While this sounds all fun and whatnot for me, what does it mean for you as a reader?

Well, my posting pattern will likely change. I can’t say for sure because I don’t know how my situation will be in China, but what will likely happen is that most things will be pushed back a day or two. It’s also possible that I drop shows to help with time. That’s just how it is with the Great Firewall of China. It’s not that I won’t be able to access my blog…more that I might have troubles with downloading the anime.

Either way, I will try my best to maintain at least one post a day…I just hope you all understand that when I visit my relatives, I often go to places without an Internet connection. And I don’t know if you’ve ever tried watching anime on a netbook, but it’s probably the most frustrating thing in the universe. Media Player Classic is stupidly processor-heavy…I really should find an alternate solution. Anyways, here’s hoping I don’t pick up any weird fetishes in Japan.

8 thoughts on “Returning to China”

  1. Have fun and stay safe… Yeah, the Great Firewall is a pain in the butt, but if you have a VPN, you can easily bypass their protection. However, they are not free, unless you can set one yourself on a desktop computer and leave it on. Not practical, but there are other solutions like using a VPS solely for that purpose.


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