Yuru Yuri Episode 7

Woot! It’s Christmas!! …wait a second. Anyways, in honor of Christmas couples, Kyoko decides to pair everyone up for dates for Christmas Day (please remember that they’re all girls O.o). And because random lotteries in anime are always indisputably random, Ayano is unable to get Kyoko and gets Yui, Chinatsu is unable to get Yui and gets Kyoko, and Himawari manages to get Sakurako (of course, rounding it off, Chitose gets Akari). Akari and Chitose have a nice chat at a coffee shop. Kyoko takes Chinatsu on sort of a proper date (movie, arcade, etc.). Sakurako and Himawari eat at a family restaurant together much to their dismay. Finally, Yui and Ayano end up sitting awkwardly on a park bench until they talk about their relationships with Chitose and Kyoko and bond a bit. Finally, we see the four main girls each celebrating New Years’ at their respective houses.

Definitely nice to see that the support characters have their own themes for the commercial breaks. Also, it looked like Akari’s sister and Chinatsu’s sister were friends, which I’m sure will come back some time in the future. Interesting episode this week, especially with Chinatsu finally warming up to Mirakurun.

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