Tamayura Hitotose Episode 4

Summer vacation is here! It feels pretty cold outside for me, though. What kind of anime would this be if the four girls didn’t go somewhere together for their summer vacation? More importantly, this week’s episode focuses on Maon (probably my favorite of the girls), as the girls are going to her place, an inn. There, they meet Maon’s parents (with Fu being quite nervous for some reason). Maon then shows them all around the island where she lives, eventually leading them to a place called the Virgo. Maon seems to hold some fond memories of this place, and it seems a bit related to her whistling. When they’re done there, they go to meet Fu and Kou’s grandfather, but run into Komachi. Fu’s grandfather interrupts Norie and Komachi’s trademark battle over Kou. Fu’s grandfather ends up having a personality fairly similar to Fu’s, and he shows them around a bit. Later, the girls return to the inn to have dinner, where they talk with Maon’s parents about their worries that the inn may be against her interests. Maon overhears this, telling them the story of the Virgo, where see saw a singer performing once. Maon’s parents then reveal that she’s had many different interests for her future, but that they support her with whatever she chooses.

Very nice episode focusing on Maon. If you notice, Maon rarely whistles in this episode, as she’s actually talking most of the time, which definitely was nice. We’re also introduced to her inn waitress side. Another enjoyable episode this week, and I continue to look forward to more.

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